OE Solutions

Paging and wireless telecommunications for professionals

Everything for instant wireless alerting: professional digital paging, signalling and messaging. Single– or multi–path, also with feedback. Professional mobile radio, voice and data communications.


Professional mission–critical radio paging, standard and extended

POCSAG is the time–proven golden standard for high–performance digital wireless paging. POCSAG paging systems are flexible in configuration and usage, highly effective with the outdoor and indoor coverage, and are undemanding to the frequency range.

Based on POCSAG technology, and with the usage of superior quality Oelmann products, it is easy to design and build modern paging systems of all levels, including:

Fire alarm, code blue and nurse call systems are standard use cases.

Oelmann POCSAG Solutions

More on Oelmann POCSAG paging solutions:

Why POCSAG paging and what it is for

POCSAG digital paging today, in the era of instant IP–messengers in smartphones

Standard POCSAG paging

Standard POCSAG paging is a one–way distribution (broadcasting) of highly effective digital radiotelegrams, each of which consists of several messages and their recipient addresses.

Coupled with effective digital modulation and error tolerance for decoding received messages, this is an extremely effective technique for instant wireless alerting any number of users.


  • Paging base stations encode and broadcast on-air telegrams, which include one or several messages to different recipients. Messages can be text or empty (then only signalling will be accepted), and also have four subaddress prefixes.
  • The pagers are preprogrammed and configured to receive these telegrams, and they always receive and decode them.
  • If the telegram contains a message with the address of the pager, the pager displays this message with the appropriate sounds and other effects (vibration, glow or change in the display colour).

Pagers can be programmed to have one or many addresses, which allows you to have both an individual pager number, and groups and subgroups in accordance with the task.

Key features of POCSAG paging:
  • Guaranteed delivery of messages and emergency signalling for professional users it is the key point, especially in critical lifesaver situations. In the case of public broadband cellular networks, guaranteed delivery is not possible.
  • The coverage: paging base station coverage is much wider and incomparable with any cellular ones, of which several times more is needed for similar coverage.
  • Subscriber terminals operational reliability: high–quality pagers are narrow–functional devices that cannot be used outside of paging purposes. They cannot get hang due to an update or OS crash like in a smartphone, or a virus, games or improper use of.
  • The pager alarm sound is designed to be louder and to penetrate winter clothing and walls, which is important for evacuation signals or danger warnings.
  • If a silent alarm is required, the pager's vibrating alert or backlight alarm is also designed for excellent recognition in any environment or light.
  • POCSAG paging systems have low initial investment in infrastructure equipment costs and frequency licensing, and low cost of ownership.
Oelmann POCSAG additions and enhancements

To ensure that messages are received by all pagers, including those that quickly change location or are at the edges of the coverage area, Oelmann smart base stations and SIRIUS software send a critical message twice or more times (this is programmable, and can be different for each coverage area). Oelmann pagers detect and reject alarm duplicates, reacting to only real alarms with no repeating it.

Thanks to intelligent real–time decoding procedures, Oelmann's pagers "understand" where the error is in the message (if any) and highlight the place of the questionable symbol.

To expand and modernize the standard one–way paging capabilities of POCSAG, Oelmann produces pagers with feedback options, which allow designing systems with acknowledgement of receipt, with auto– or manual alarms from a pager, or, in the case of background polling, to have a complete picture of the activity and availability of pagers in real–time.

All Oelmann pagers are equipped with industrial LED backlight technology, allowing the message text to be recognised at all times, also in direct sunlight. The backlight is RGB–coloured, programmable for focusing messages with different backlight colours.

Oelmann has all the necessary components to build any type of paging system or to complement existing ones, as part of an add–on, update, or replacement for a modern one system, with full support and a service guarantee.

Oelmann provides gateways to third–party systems TETRA, DMR, LTE, WiFi to extend the POCSAG with the multipath messaging and alarm actions.

Standard POCSAG paging
Extended POCSAG paging, one– and two–way
Extended POCSAG paging and messaging, multi–way
Blue Code POCSAG paging Blue Code paging
POCSAG Alarming without PC or software
Alarming without PC or software solutions brochure

Paging LTE

Cellular paging, signalling and messaging

Basic Oelmann LTE pager functions

  • Instant reception and display of an SMS–text or IP–message / alarm, with auto–acknowledgment.
  • Alarm of received message with sound/color/vibro or silent beep.
  • Sending and reciving messages to/from any of the cellulat subscribers.
  • Receiving an alarm from other cellular pagers or from an optional relay contact panel.
  • Automatically send IMEI and CCID to accurately track authorized pager activity in the system.
  • Automatic sending of SMS or IP alarm signal according to the man–down sensor or GPS area is triggered, or accordind to one of 4 input contacts of the I/O pager cradle.

Oelmann LTE pager features and options

  • NanoSIM.
  • Sound/vibro/backlight or silent alert, in any combination.
  • Any language message text, scalable font.
  • RGB–color backlight, programmable.
  • GPS, WiFi option.
  • Man–down / moving sensor, dedcated alarm button.
  • Custom pre–recorded alarm sounds or voice notifications.

With Oelmann LTE paging solution, you'll get:

  • Solution for compact fast deployable two–way LTE signalling and messaging system that works in any cellular network.
  • Solution that works with messaging software or without it as a standalone wireless cellular messaging system.
  • A solution that easily integrates into existing messaging or signaling systems.
  • A solution that works with additional types of communication such as POCSAG radio paging, cellular networks, IP–internet and email.
  • The LX7 Cellular pager as the professional multi–functional portable device for bi–directional wireless alarming in any cellular networks.
  • The LX7 Modem for special or custom solutions. All the features of the LX7 POCSAG pager but in a specialized hard metal case, with I/O for embedding and use in custom and embedded applications.
  • The LX7 Module for special or custom solutions. All the features of the LX7 POCSAG pager, but in an a chassis–less module design, for incorporation into custom or specialty custom solutions and applications.
More on Oelmann LTE paging solutions

Paging WiFi

Wireless IP–messaging and alerting

Oelmann LX7 WiFi pager is the professional multi–functional portable IP–device for instant bi–directional wireless signalling in any WiFi networks. For special or custom solutions, there are the LX7 Module or a Modem.

Basic Oelmann WiFi pager functions

  • Instant reception and display of an IP–text message or alarm, with auto–acknowledgment.
  • Sending messages to any of the IP devices/apps
  • Receiving an alarm from other WiFi pagers or from an optional relay contact panel.
  • Signaling with sound/color/vibro or silent alarm.
  • Auto sending IP–alarm(s) according to the man–down or movement sensor activations, and/or the input contact(s) of the I/O cradle, or man–down activity.

Oelmann WiFi pager features & options

  • WiFi 2.4GHz WPA2.
  • Sound/vibro/backlight or silent alert, in any combination.
  • Any language message text, scalable font.
  • RGB–color backlight, programmable.
  • GPS receiver.
  • man–down sensor, dedcated alarm button.
  • Custom pre–recorded alarm sounds or voice notifications.

With Oelmann WiFi paging, you'll get:

  • Solution for compact fast deployable two–way IP–wireless signalling and messaging system that works in any WiFi IP network.
  • Solution that works with messaging software or without it as a standalone wireless IP messaging system.
  • A solution that easily integrates into existing messaging or signaling systems.
  • A solution that works with additional types of communication such as POCSAG radio paging, cellular networks, IP–internet and eemail.

More on Oelmann WiFi paging solutions:

WiFi paging variants
WiFi pagers in hotels
WiFi paging without PC or software
WiFi paging in industries

Paging TETRA

Two–way mission–critical paging and messaging

The TETRA standard offers a two–way exchange of short text messages to an individual or a group of subscriber terminals, with automatic acknowledgement of receipt of the message. In network– or a cell–wide TMO (within the network base stations coverage) where the terminals communicate with each other, or within a mobile group.

  • GPS, man–down, Inductive beacon, alarm top–button as security options.
  • TEA1, TEA2, ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb available as options.
  • RGB color backlight, customisable UI.
  • "TxI" mode, programmable.
  • Li–Ion accu.
TME260 Pager

About Oelmann TETRA pagers

Oelmann was one of the first companies to develop the modular TETRA pager, which today is effectively used in many TETRA networks around the world.

Today the Oelmann TETRA pager line is in full production, and it is based on standard, or personnel security enhanced versions of the TME260 Series pager with the optionals like man–down detector, GPS and/or indoor location beacon detection, alarm button and the tear–off alarm contact for high–grade personnel security applications. ATEX available.

Oelmann TETRA pager features and options

  • 380–430 MHz, two way.
  • Sound/vibro/backlight or silent alert, in any combination.
  • Any language message and UI text, scalable.
  • RGB–color backlight, programmable.
  • GPS receiver, man–down sensor, alarm red top button, tear–off safety contact.
  • Custom pre–recorded alarm sounds or voice notifications.

Note: Oelmann has all kinds of TETRA base stations and switches to build a whole TETRA paging system, or to supplement the existing ones at the customer's site.

More on Oelmann TETRA messaging solutions

SIRIUS paging system

SIRIUS is an Oelmann original modular platform for professional messaging applications. The entire SIRIUS system consists of paging software, infrastructure components and base stations, gateways to third–party systems, and subscriber portable devices. It is used to build systems of any complexity, from local paging tasks to regional or national paging, two–way or multipath messaging systems, including the interaction of communication protocols of any type.

Oelmann SIRIUS System features and options

  • IP–Ethernet, RS232/485, I/O.
  • POCSAG store–forward repeaters support.
  • XML–Interface for third party OEM application.

With Oelmann SIRIUS System, you'll get:

  • Compact fast deployable POCSAG, LTE, TETRA, WiFi paging system. Mixed protocols are possible.
  • Personnel security options for mission critical systems.
  • Solution that works with any RS232/ESPA infrastructure, as well as with customer transmitters.
  • Full support for all Oelmann paging base stations.

Professional mobile radio DMR, TETRA

Scalable digital voice/data professional mobile communications systems

Oelmann PMR and trunking systems solutions

To PMR products and systems

Siren Alerting POCSAG, TETRA, LTE, 5–TONE

  • Multi–component wireless universal siren controller for POCSAG, TETRA as well as LTE*.
  • 2 power relay outs for siren control.
  • 4 test inputs for manual triggering.
  • 4 potential–free inputs / 6 switching outputs for custom applications.
  • Emergency power supply with battery monitoring*.
  • Intruder alarm via door contact.
  • Fault message feedback alarm via TETRA and LTE*.
  • Monitoring and remote configuration via LTE*.
  • Support for the POCSAG encryption*.
  • Conversion from 5–tone sequence to POCSAG using an innovative receiver plug–in module.
  • Simultaneous signalling via redundant signalling paths*, preventing double signalling.
  • Activation of the siren by means of power relay outs triggered according to customer requirements.
  • Manual activation of the siren control programs is possible by configuring the test inputs.
  • One auxiliary power relay and six auxiliary switching relays as well as four auxiliary potential–free inputs are available for special applications.
  • Emergency backup power supply* for fail–safe operation and fault reporting.

* Optional

Custom and special solutions

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